Unlocking the Power of Cornmeal: Controlling Weeds Naturally

Dec 4, 2023


Welcome to Friendly Organics Canada, your one-stop destination for specialty food, health markets, and organic stores! In this article, we will explore the amazing benefits of cornmeal and how it can be used as an effective natural weed control option for your garden. With our focus on providing organic products, we are committed to helping you maintain a healthy and thriving garden space.

The Role of Cornmeal in Weed Control

Many gardeners are often on the lookout for natural alternatives to synthetic herbicides to eliminate weeds safely. Cornmeal, derived from ground corn kernels, offers an eco-friendly and efficient solution.

Cornmeal contains a compound called corn gluten meal (CGM), which works by inhibiting seed germination, including that of weed seeds. CGM contains proteins that prevent root formation in seeds, preventing them from establishing and growing into mature weeds.

Using cornmeal as a natural herbicide has numerous benefits. Firstly, it is safe to use in organic gardening, ensuring that your crops remain free from harmful chemicals. Additionally, cornmeal acts as a natural fertilizer, slowly releasing nitrogen into the soil as it decomposes. This nutrient boost enhances the overall health of your plants and helps them thrive.

The Process of Applying Cornmeal for Weed Control

Now that we understand the science behind cornmeal's weed control abilities, let's explore how you can incorporate it into your gardening routine:

1. Determine the Appropriate Cornmeal Type

There are different types of cornmeal available in the market. For effective weed control, it is recommended to use whole or coarse cornmeal, as they offer more substantial coverage and have a longer-lasting effect. Choose organic cornmeal to align with your commitment to organic gardening.

2. Prepare Your Soil

Before applying cornmeal, prepare your garden bed by removing any existing weeds and loosening the soil. This helps ensure that the cornmeal comes into direct contact with the weed seeds.

3. Application Techniques

There are two common ways to apply cornmeal for weed control:

a) Broadcast Method

The broadcast method involves evenly spreading cornmeal over the entire garden bed. A recommended application rate is approximately 20 pounds of cornmeal per 1,000 square feet. Use a spreader or your hand to distribute the cornmeal evenly.

b) Targeted Method

If you have specific areas with persistent weed issues, you can target those spots by directly applying cornmeal. Sprinkle a generous amount around existing weeds, ensuring they are covered entirely.

4. Water the Area

After applying cornmeal, water the treated area thoroughly. Moisture helps activate the CGM proteins and encourages the breakdown process. The water also helps push the cornmeal into the soil, reaching deeper layers where weed seeds may be present.

Additional Tips for Successful Weed Control

While cornmeal can be a powerful tool in suppressing weeds, implementing additional practices will enhance its effectiveness:

1. Timing

Apply cornmeal to your garden in early spring or fall before weed seeds start to germinate. This timing ensures that CGM is in place, ready to inhibit their growth.

2. Regular Maintenance

Although cornmeal can significantly reduce weed occurrence, it is essential to monitor and remove any emerging weeds manually. Regular weeding and maintenance help keep your garden healthy and minimize competition between plants.

3. Mulching

Consider using organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, in conjunction with cornmeal. Mulch acts as an additional barrier, preventing weed seeds from receiving light and germinating.


By incorporating cornmeal into your organic gardening practices, you can effectively control weeds while promoting a healthy and thriving garden environment. Friendly Organics Canada is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality organic products and supporting your journey towards sustainable and eco-friendly gardening. Join us in harnessing the power of cornmeal for weed control and experience the benefits it brings to your garden.

does cornmeal control weeds